This post is a synthesis of a number of notes and things I found amongst Muin'iskw's writings. We frequently discussed the difference between the Earth and the world between ourselves, and with our friends in many Circles, and it even became the basis for our song, "One Voice, One Song." We eventually recorded this song, and it may be one of the most important songs we did. A link to our YouTube video is below.


The world and the Earth are two separate entities. The Earth is the creation of a higher being, who we address as “Creator.” The world is something that human beings have created, a layer over top of the Earth – and this layer is endangering us all.

The Earth – Mother Earth – ws’tqamu (oo-SIT-ah-moo) – this is where we live, along with all the rest of creation. Every Nation has its Creation story; some have similarities between Nations, while others are very different. No one Nation has the whole story; instead, all Nations carry a piece of the true sacred story, and only when all the pieces are brought together will we fully understand it.

The Ancestors maintained a relationship with the land. They did this by engaging all of their senses to observe what was around them: they watched it, touched it, smelled it, heard it, and tasted it. They also used a sixth sense that we have all but lost, connecting with the land around them in a spiritual manner.

The ancient Ancestors of every person on the Earth today saw themselves as being part of the Earth – part of the land around them. Today we think of these Ancestors as primitive, superstitious pagans. Yet here we are, years later, so they must have been doing something right to keep going, generation upon generation, until we are here today.

The Earth will always be ws’tqamu. It will continue to nourish the animals, the plant life, the insects, the winged beings, the finned beings, and the tiny beings we cannot see. However, today we have created another layer, that we call “the world.” This layer is artificial, painted on over the underlying Earth, but we have chosen to believe it is the only aspect that matters. This allows us to create a totally artificial life, based on unrestricted use of limited natural resources. This “world” creates a sort of camouflage that does not allow us to see the damage we are causing, because we have removed ourselves so far from contact with nature. We surround ourselves with a false understanding that all is well – and when our attention is drawn to something that differs with that, we turn our head and hide our eyes, so we do not have to see and perhaps change our comfortable life. We trust the “Powers That Be” to be good stewards of the land on our behalf, and by doing this we give up our responsibility for our fellow creatures and the Earth.

Unfortunately, the “Powers That Be” in “the world” do not care about the Earth. Greed, power, jealousy, and money are how they gain control, and thus feed their ego. That is what they care about. They will continue to tell us that all is well, so they can continue to maintain their control. They will take advantage of our blindness, and our separation from all that is around us.

So what happened? How did we become so segregated or removed from being part of Mother Earth, and take on the role of being superior to her? I think the first step in taking ourselves out of nature came when we invented walls. True, these walls protected us, allowing us to feel safe and sheltered, but we have created a situation today where people can live out their lives without ever having to go outside, and that makes us feel isolated and apart from Nature. If you try to envision a life without walls, I’ll bet it makes you uncomfortable, but this was how life was for most of our existence. Our Ancestors survived without such walls. They were intimately connected with their surroundings, they felt it, they knew it, they lived it… and they relied on it.

Over the last 500 years we have begun to destroy everything around us. We have all participated in a huge historical trauma… and we are still doing it today. We have lost sight of the earliest wisdom. To change this, we must first heal ourselves, and get back in touch with where we came from. All the wisdom we need is readily available – a gift from our Ancestors.

Since the beginning of time, as our Ancestors walked the Earth they were students. Their greatest lessons were to respect and honour all living things, and to maintain a certain humbleness, as we are no greater than any other living being on Mother earth. Be it an ant or an eagle, we are all related, for we are created – like everything else – from the four sacred elements of Water, Air, Fire, and Earth. Long before modern science created the complicated Periodic Table of the Elements, these four elements were sufficient to help us understand how we fit with the rest of the Earth:

  • We are Water. Water is the blood that flows through our veins and fills our cells, and it is the glue that holds all life together. No living creature on this planet can survive with Water.

  • The Air is the breath of Mother Earth, and the Air we breathe and exhale is a physical substance that binds us together and links us with trees, plants, animals, birds, worms… we share the Air with all other living organisms.

  • We are Fire – the energy that runs through and connects all living beings – and all of that energy comes from the Sun, and allows all creatures to move, to grow, and to reproduce.

  • Finally, we are Earth, for every bit of nutrition that we consume originally comes from the soil, and all creatures depend on that source of nutrition, directly or indirectly.

When we take the time to walk in Nature, we see and feel more clearly. Our senses are awakened. We see natural colours. We smell the Earth. We feel the softness and smoothness. We hear natural sounds. If we know enough about Nature, we may even taste her bounty. We become in tune with our surroundings, because we are being welcomed by the Earth - and the spiritual connection is once again made. Even though we have created all these layers upon layers, Earth still recognizes us as a part of it.

Today, thankfully, we are beginning to awaken. Concerned people are coming together everywhere as we try to find a new direction, and bring together the next 500 years. We must all talk together – no more Red, Black, Yellow, or White, just a gathering of the Five-Fingered Ones. We must remember how we live within the circle of life, and we must bring it out for our children, and for those beyond the seventh generation. We must live it together – One Voice, One Song.

This post is a synthesis of a number of notes and things I found amongst Muin'iskw's writings. We frequently discussed the difference between the Earth and the world between ourselves, and with our friends in many Circles, and it even became the basis for our song, "One Voice, One Song." We eventually recorded this song, and it may be one of the most important songs we did. A link to our YouTube video is below.


Updated: 27 Mar 2016 Print Page